4 tips to maintaining a healthy lifestyle


Hi guys! Maintaining a healthy lifestyle isn’t easy but it’s so rewarding and fun once you make a habit out of it!

You may think I was always a healthy eater and gym go-er, but it wasn’t until I was 25 when I finally connected the dots. In order to truly feel GOOD from the inside out, you have to sweat, eat healthy and do things that make you HAPPY. Because if you’re imbalanced in any aspect of your life, your energy, focus, drive will feel off. So my goal everyday has been to focus on where I need that extra love most, in order to feel the best I can feel. 

So today I’ve narrowed healthy living down to just 4 concepts that I believe make a big difference and promote wellness in a more holistic sense of nurturing our mind and body. Don’t be surprised if it’s not groundbreaking news! And if this serves as a reminder to check in with yourself and what you can improve on, then my job is done :)


1. Lace up and sweat!

BBG was definitely the program that flipped a switch for me. It was not until then that I saw this journey as a lifestyle. It wasn't just about the GAINS or how flexible I was at yoga anymore, but how I could feel better about myself and have more energy throughout the work day. I think for me the organization, detail and strict schedule is what challenged me in the best way! I didn’t have to think about what my workout was going to be, I just had to turn to the page and get it done!

My body began feeling stronger, my cardio improved and I really began to value the benefits of moving and sweating daily! Working out is a stress reliever as well as a mental challenge, and it will make you feel energized for the rest of the day.

- Once you feel an emotional connection to working out, it will stick. Are you feeling CONFIDENT about yourself after you sweat? Are you LESS TIRED and more focused at work? Do you feel like nothing else matters when you’re on your mat? Take some time to acknowledge WHY you’re working out and how it makes you feel good. When you are feeling less motivated one day, you can always remember this reason.

- Start where YOU are at - not where your fitness idol, best friend or sister is at.

- Ease into it. If you haven’t worked out in months, years or ever (that’s okay), start by taking long walks, next maybe try a beginner level yoga class or try walking and jogging in intervals.

- Schedule your workouts in your calendar and get as specific as possible. Block the exact time block and note what workout you’re doing. DON’T MISS THEM ;)


- Find exercise that you like. These days there are sooooo many ways to exercise! Keep it classic with jogging, biking, swimming,

or weight-lifting. Start a program like BBG or do a fun class like barre, pilates, yoga, boxing or dance!

- The benefits of moving your body include better skin, better blood flow, better digestion, healthier joints, lower risk of cardiovascular disease, lower risk of cancer, and stronger organs just to name a few!


2. Eat Colorfully!

Naturally, healthy eating came into play and I became really interested

in learning how I could be eating better to support my more active

lifestyle and make sure I was getting all the vitamins, minerals and

macronutrients I needed!

Nutrition is a massive part of an overall healthy lifestyle and it may

seem overwhelming and complicated at first, but it doesn’t have to be.

-Avoid obsessive restriction. Having a “No-list” of foods you can

never eat will probably just make you want them that much more.

-Try “Crowding Out” instead. Essentially this means asking

yourself “what's ONE more healthy, whole food I can add to my diet?”

You could start by adding two more servings of vegetables per day, the

added calories and fiber from the veg will help fill you up and leave less

room for dessert! The more healthy food you consume, the less room you'll have to crave the sugary and fatty treats.

Other Crowding Out Goals you might set are:

  • Adding in one green juice a day

  • Add whole grains twice a day

  • Add 8 cups of lemon water

  • Add 1 fermented food to each of your meals

  • Browse the bookstore’s recipe section and get a few that you gravitate towards! Having recipe books handy at home is one of the biggest resources for me to keep me excited about what to make next.

Eating well does take a lot of work and I think that’s a big deterrent for many people. When pre-made food is inexpensive and readily available, it’s hard to find the motivation to cook at home. But those home cooked meals will almost always be cheaper than anything you buy at a restaurant, and when you are preparing your own food you have control of the ingredients, added salt and added oils! 


3. Plan. Plan, plan, plan!

-Commit one hour a week to planning your meals, and your grocery list!

-Once you're in the routine of healthy eating and consistently exercising things can be going along pretty smoothly….until you hit a bump in the road; a holiday, a vacation, an injury, a bad period, or travelling. It’s during this time that it’s important to get yourself back on track or try and stay on track the best that you can!

-Missing your Monday workout doesn’t mean the whole week is ruined. Eating poorly for 2, even 7 days straight doesn’t mean you’re New Years resolution is out the window! It’s an opportunity to learn and direct yourself back to the path where you feel best!  

-Plan for travelling. My biggest distraction is usually travelling. Travelling definitely makes it hard because cooking for myself is almost impossible! I make sure to bring my workout gear and some high protein snacks for when I’m in a pinch and to tie me over between meals! I also indulge too because this lifestyle is all about balance.


4. Drink up!

My last health tip and mayyybee the easiest one to incorporate is WATER! I can’t stress enough the importance of hydration.

-Because of my active lifestyle, as a rule of thumb I try to finish 6 cups of water by noon and another 6 throughout the rest of the day. It helps to set a halfway mark so you know if you’re drinking less water than you should be.

-We are made of water! (70%+) our skin thrives and glows when we are well hydrated as well as our organs, tissues etc.

-Drinking water improves digestion and gives us more energy!

- Invest in a water bottle you love and love drinking out of- so you want to keep filling it up!


Your healthy lifestyle is about what works for you! Nourish your body with foods you like, enjoy sweating through exercise you love and take care of yourself for you! I turned my life around in 2014 with just one decision, I wanted to be stronger and more energized and I wasn't going to get there without the effort. If I can do it you absolutely can too. I never stop making that same decision each day to take care of my body.

Blue shield of California sponsored this blog post for me! They are all about disease prevention through a healthy lifestyle and I am proud to partner with them.

Leave me a comment if there is anything you want some elaboration on or tell me about your current healthy lifestyle tips, tricks or goals!

Love ya
