How I Manage My Time

No sugar coating here, life as a blogger is always busy! It feels like I work 24/7 - I don’t even know what a Friday feels like anymore!

Nevertheless, I am so grateful for my job and wouldn’t have it any other way! I love creating content for you guys!

Since I work from home and am constantly running around, many of you have been curious how I do it! I’m not superwoman, but over the past three years, I have learned a few helpful tips on how to manage my time and stay productive.

Here we go

10 Tip on How to Manage Time

1. Always prep yourself for the day

I always start off my day by making my bed and getting ready as if I am going to work! Staying in my pajamas all day keeps me in “sleep” mode, so I always make sure to get dressed and even put on a little makeup! Taking the time to get ready sets the intention that you are ready to work!

2. Make to-do lists and goals

Every morning, I make a to-do list for myself. Even if it’s as small as “Take Simba on a Walk” I write it down! This keeps me on track and allows me to make small victories every single day. Plus, I love the feeling of crossing something off my list!

3. Never schedule too much in one day

With that being said, to-do lists can easily become extremely long. Remember to set realistic expectations! A long list full of super complicated tasks will only stress you out. Remember that you have 8 hours every day to accomplish your goals, they don’t all have to be finished in one day!

4. Reward yourself

Reward yourself in small ways! Use these as motivation to get a task done. Say to yourself, “once I complete this task, I’ll go eat my favorite snack”. It could be as simple as allowing yourself some phone scrolling time or lighting a candle.

5. Take a lunch break

Working from home makes it much harder to separate work from play, or even lunch! I used to always work through my lunch and I found that I didn’t even enjoy my meal! I also felt super burnt out at the end of the day. Turn off your computer, eat outside, don’t rush and enjoy that 30 minute break.

6. Don’t turn on Netflix

It’s so easy to turn on Netflix or YouTube for some background noise, but I promise you can live without it! Your attention will be 100% focused on your work and you’ll get that task done faster!

7. Set a Timer

If you’re feeling like you can’t focus, I recommend setting a timer! I purchased a productivity timer off of Amazon and it works wonders! If I know I want to complete a task in an hour, I’ll set the timer and get to work. That little pressure in the back of my mind makes me grind out my work harder and faster! You can also take time each day to time out how long you want to spend on each task if that helps.

8. Organize all dates in your calendar

A lot of my work revolves around due dates, and when they aren’t organized, chaos and panic ensues! I recommend finding a way to organize all important dates, whether it’s on your computer, phone, or agenda book. I love using my google calendar and color coding due dates in RED so that I don’t forget!

9. If possible, work ahead

If you find that you have a lighter week or even a lighter day, work ahead! I love doing this when I know I have a trip coming up or an insanely crazy week ahead. I’ll take a moment to look at my calendar and see what I can accomplish now to help me out in the future.

10. Be kind to yourself

Most importantly, be kind to yourself! Everyone has days where they just aren’t feeling it or they’re feeling burnt out. Listen to your body! Stress affects your body, thoughts and feelings, and your behavior. It can sometimes consume you! Take a self-care day or take a few hours in the middle of the day to do something non-work related for yourself. At the end of the day, YOU are more important than any work assignment!

There you have it! My 10 tips on how I manage my time. Let me know your tips below! I’m always looking for new ways to stay productive.

Lots of love,
