Friday Favorites #2 | How to stay Healthy for Busy People

Hey guys!

In this week’s blog, I’m covering everything I love pertaining to working out and staying healthy while being busy! If someone came to me and asked, “how do I make health a priority in my busy life” these are few of the things I’d definitely recommend. Let’s jump to it!

1. Barry’s Bootcamp


Check out Barry’s Bootcamp Here:

WHY? because Barry’s is VERY well rounded and covers both cardio and strength training in 50 minutes. I wasn’t always a fan of cardio but high intensity interval training on the treadmill is what sheds belly jelly- I’m not even kidding you. Together with strength training to build muscle mass and healthy eating, you are BOUND to get in the best shape everrrr and feel super good.

2. Go Methodology


Check out Go Methodology Here:

If I had to pick one meal prep company out of the zillion out there on the market right now, it would hands down be Go Methodology. For one, you know you’re getting QUALITY foods, veggies and fruits that are in season, and it honestly tastes like I’m eating at a really nice restaurant. I love how vibrant all the ingredients are and how the plating is up to your creativity. You can mix and max any of the jars you get and create different meals each time. I can’t rave about them enough!

3. Soma Bottle


Shop Here:

This is my favorite glass water bottle, it fits my aesthetic and makes me want to drink more water- therefore it’s worth sharing because hydrated bodies = happy bodies : ) I chuck one in my purse and keep one in my car to drink on the go.

4. Wireless Headphones


Shop Here:

These are my wireless headphones recommendations. Been using the same one for a few years now and it hasn’t failed me. These are discrete and meant to be used while sweating!

5. Sweat App


Check Out the Sweat App Here:

Long gone are the days when we used to have to print the BBG (bikini body guide) and bring it to the gym to work out. I remember how crinkly my pages were from sweat and 12 times of use over and over. The SWEAT app is my go-to now when I’m traveling and when I’m at the gym and feeling clueless. There are so many different training styles you can find on there now: BBG, BBG STRONGER, PWR, BUILD, FIERCE, BODY & MIND (yoga) and the app acts as a personal trainer walking you through every step of the workout- so you never have to worry about needing a timer or not knowing whats next or how to do something. It’s genius.

6. Orgain Protein Shakes & Bar


Shop the Protein Shake Here: & Protein Bar Here:

I did a sponsored post for them but I’m genuinely loving this stuff you guys, especially the vanilla protein shake. I have them stocked up in my fridge and grab them to drink anytime I’m feeling peckish, like right now actually. **gets up for one* They have 16g of plant based protein and 220 calories. I like them when I’m busy and don’t have time to make a full on protein shake : )

7. Booty Bands


Shop Here:

If there’s one piece of equipment I recommend, it’s these resistance bands because you can do one of my my #600RepBOotyChallenge part 1 or part 2 and even this glute burner workout ANYWHERE in the world and get a really really good peach pump in quickly and efficiently! Plus they are perfect to travel with and just have in your gym bag.

8. Biofreeze


Shop Here:

Now onto my favorite ways to help with muscle soreness so I have no excuse to take a rest day. This is another organic partnership this year that makes me sooo happy because I’ve already been integrating it into my life for years. Biofreeze is around $12 and it will be the best $12 you spend. You can thank me later when you’re sore AF and you have Biofreeze to cool down and immediately give your muscles relief! I rub it on before workouts, after workouts, directly on sore areas, even when I sleep on my neck wrong, when my body is aching from sitting on a plane or car for too long, the list can go on!

9. Massage Balls


Shop Here:

These are way more portable and packable than a foam roller and can basically do the same thing. I especially love rolling the bottoms of my feet out after a long hike or run or against a wall - all over my back. It feels phenomenal and really helps loosen up your muscles. I’ve been doing this before bed and it also helps me knock out from the relaxation I feel afterwards.

10. Epsom Salt


Shop Here:

I live for baths and take them everyday<333 I especially love my epsom salt baths because they help with inflammation, muscle soreness, stiffness and pain. I highly recommend having a bag handy for the next time you’re immobil-y sore from working your butt off in class. Trust me, you’ll feel so much better afterwards!

Ok guys, that’s my Friday Favs for ya this week. Hope you enjoyed this blog post and I’ll catch you in the next one!
