MOM Q & A!


What do you eat for breakfast?

I eat after working out. coffee, lots of lots of vegetables in bone broth and hijiki seaweed. I take lots of fiber and eat foods that make my blood healthy and skin glow. 

How are you always so happy and positive?

From when I was younger even though I didn't come from anything, the blue sky or small blooming flowers would make me happy. Even though hard times I try to find the benefit. I am just happy to be alive (laughs). My mom also set a good positive example for me too.

How did you learn how to cook 5 star gourmet meals every day?

I have always loved entertaining and having people over, it’s how I practiced cooking. I learned from experimenting. It's boring cooking the same thing. I like the surprise factor and making people happy and smile. The more you do it, the more fun it becomes. Everyone can do it if I can. 

Where do you get your food inspiration from?

Traveling. I love eating and learning from michelin star restaurants. If i had more access to ingredients I could do more! 

How do you have the time? How long does it take to make?

3+ hours to cook including grocery store shopping. I have more time bc of covid.

If I'm cooking for my guests (10+ people)  it can take 2-3 days because I prepare a course-d out menu.

How did you grow up? 

A traditional Japanese home in Tokyo. 1 sister and 1 brother.

What was your dream?

To live in America for one year and become a fashion designer but I ended up permanently staying

Secrets to beautiful skin?

Always keep it moisturized. In the car I pat essence toner on my face, I sleep with a humidifier on and I put this peel off mask on my face 2x a day to make my skin supple and bouncy. 

What is key to successful marriage?

We both married with zero. I married him because I loved him- no conditions.  I didn't care if he had no money, no car, no nothing. He is my true love (embarrassed). We had a lot of pain throughout the marriage but we got over it because I see him as a part of me - I accept him for all the good and bad. we always get through things with action and together. We don't do half effort. 

What is it like not speaking the same language as Long?

It makes us laugh. we always laugh. but we understand each other without talking much. I get him with his eyes and body language, we don't even need words. It’s almost more peaceful this way and he is very happy when I say he is my number 1.

What was it like raising Remi?

very hard. Hahaha lots of energy like a monkey, always spilling drinks, clumsy.

I always cried to my mom , “why is she so hard. what should i do?” 

Since Remi was 2 it was "no no no no" she would never listen to me. I think because I only had one child I gave her too much attention. 

What did you think of my career as an influencer at first?

At first, I didn't understand it at all. I was really worried. Will she be ok? but i believed her so I didn't go against it.

Best advice you’ve ever received?

Your mouth should only speak good things

What are some of your philosophies on life?

Everyday I try to be a better person and to live more sincerelySpread kindness even with simple gestures from the heart. Always thinking about the feelings of others and how I can make them happy.

Thanks for taking the time to read this post. I hope you enjoy it!
