My Top 5 Healthy Lifestyle Hacks!


Hey guys

Today my blog post is dedicated to anyone who is feeling in a rut with healthy living and needs a few easy to incorporate hacks to get back on track!

To me a healthy lifestyle is not about diets, counting calories, pant sizes, scales, broccoli and boring chicken meals, and becoming over anxious about everything you put into your body.

I realize I am lucky to have little food intolerances (just lactose intolerant but I still have ice cream when I feel like it) because I’m all about having balance and not being extreme.  If I want to know I’m on the right track with something- I just ask myself in that moment, AM I HAPPY?

Happiness is how I measure how healthy I am. If I’m working out 6 days a week and I’m miserable eating the same foods over and over just to hit my macros- I am not happy and most of all it’s not sustainable and guess what? I’m going to lose interest and end up feeling like I failed something. Who wants that? If you’re happy working out 2X a week doing low impact exercises and eating healthy 3x a week and have your chips and Oreos then I say you’re right where you’re supposed to be! It’s hard not to compare someone else’s journey to your own but if you use your happiness as a gauge, you can adjust to what works for you!

Okay so here are my 5 hacks that I do on a consistent daily basis and the best part is it doens’t feel like a chore!

  1. Double your water intake. How much water did you drink yesterday? Only 2 cups? Maybe a full bottle ? Whatever it was- DOUBLE IT today. Make it a habit to bring your water bottle with you everywhere you go, just like you would your phone and wallet. I love my LARQ Bottle Movement because when I’m out and about (which is most days) filling my water bottle up in the most random places, be it the water fountain at the gym to the water fountain on the mountain while hiking- I can be at ease knowing that this water bottle will purify using UV-C light and self cleans every 2 hours so I’m drinking optimal water at all times. Sounds awesome right?! There’s a light technology under the cap that filters 99.99999 % of bacteria and keeps your water clean and tasting pure. Charging the cap is easy with a USB and only needs to be done once a month. Trust me it’s worth it!

  2. Mix fermented veggies with everything. Probiotics or healthy bacteria is necessary for your gut to have a healthy flora. Healthy flora = healthy and strong immune system , so how do I get enough probiotics through out the day? I ADD kimchi and/or fermented soybeans (natto) to everything!!!! I mean it when I say I add it to every meal. You guys may not agree on the taste of natto or even kimchi but find something you like- maybe it’s sour Kraut, non spicy kimchi , fermented veggies, cottage cheese etc and top every meal with it! My boyfriend’s natto is cottage cheese!

  3. Wake up earlier. Try waking up 15 minutes earlier each day and start the transition slow. Nothing happens overnight- I did a IG post on my top tips of how I went from waking up at 7 am to 5 am and going to bed at 8:30pm instead of 10:30pm... check it out here

  4. Swap your coffee for matcha. Make matcha your FIRST caffeinated drink of the day .. Or switch your second cup of Jo for matcha instead and see how you feel. Ever since I quit coffee 3 years ago- I’ve been feeling great. My focus is locked on without any jitters and it’s helped my stomach from churning and being upset every day.

  5. Adopt a dogggooo!!!! Hahaha okay only if you have the means, the time and are ready but seriously adopting Simba has changed my life! He’s my emotional support and he loves me like no other. We go on runs, out door adventures and many hikes together. He keeps me active and we end of spending a lot of time in nature together which I would prolly do much less of if it wasn’t for him.


And that’s it folks! My top healthy lifestyle hacks that have changed me for the better everyday.

Let me know which tip was your favorite and what your hacks are to living a healthier lifestyle .

I love you so matcha!!

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