Quick BBG Style Travel Workout


Before I became a blogger I swear to you, I hadn't traveled for 8+ years... I was too afraid to take time off work!

Now, I am beyond-words-grateful that I am able to travel as part of my job. It's AMAZING... but to be honest, I always have a little anxiety leading up to the trip because it's HARD to keep up a healthy routine on the road. PLUS! Just because I'm traveling, doesn't mean I can full-on go on vacation-mode...I still have to work A LOT!

So in order to keep myself highly motivated to work, eat healthy (ish), and fight jet leg , I make sure to choose ONE healthy meal a day and get a workout in when I can!

Gyms can be hard to find when you’re traveling, especially in Japan. So unless there’s one in your hotel, it’s really pricey to get a drop-in pass at a gym. 

Therefore hotel room workouts a.k.a do-it-anywhere workouts really come in handy

Here’s one you can do anywhere! I did it on an edge of a cliff house and it was pretty damn epic.

I made it BBG style and used a 1L water bottle as a weight. I did this work out 3x while I was traveling on the road with Ian and it definitely made me sweat and feel good!


Set a timer for 14 minutes and complete the first circuit as many rounds as possible (remember to focus first on form, then on speed). Rest for 1 minute after the timer goes off. Then, move onto the second circuit and set the timer for 14 minutes and repeat as many rounds as you can!

Circuit 1 (14 minutes)


15 weighted squats with weight ( find a water bottle, a duffle bag, book etc)


50 bicycles


15 toe touch sit ups


15 tricep dips on chair ( or edge or bed or bench)

Circuit 2 - ( 14 minutes )


20 lunges with water bottle weight (10 per leg)


15 oblique crunches


15 hip raises with weight


15 incline push up

28 minutes later your workout is done!! If you want more workouts like these, I highly recommend checking out the SWEAT APP by Kayla Itsines and doing her BBG workouts! : )

Hope you enjoyed this post!
